
What is Blue Bitcoin Chart ? 

The Blue Bitcoin Chart provides a novel way to display price/ time/volume action all on a single chart.
The time axis on Blue Bitcoin Chart is completely reinvented and incorporates volume into the chart plot
and is quite different from the linear time axis associated with traditional charts.
Because of that approach identifying price trend lines and channels and subsequently trend breakout
or trend line resistance signals on Blue Bitcoin Charts is much more accurate compared to trend analysis on traditional charts (See example - Fig.1).
Fig. 1
A traditional Bitcoin chart or stock market chart displays only price/time action on a single chart and transaction
volume is displayed on a separate plot or incorporated into overlay indicator (See example - Fig.1). 
typical bitcoin chart
Fig. 2
This traditional approach to chart plotting does not take into consideration transaction volume when plotting the chart,
therefore doing technical trend analysis on typical charts usually fails when volume fluctuates over time (happens most of the time).
Trend analysis on traditional charts works well only in cases when the volume stays consistent throughout the period of time analysis.
We currently provide charts for Bitcoin / USD charts - with historical tick data provided since 2013 supplemented with real time data.
Two types of Bitcoin Blue Charts are available now: the original "Blue Bitcoin Chart" version and an experimental "Blue Chart v1" Beta version
 "Blue Chart v2" Beta version is basically the reciprocal of  "Blue Bitcoin Chart" version in volume sense.
The "Blue Chart v2" version is in Beta stage, if not working well on some time periods try changing time period to a different value. 
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